
Ways to Keep the Lid on Spam

作者:格言网 发布时间:2016-07-30 23:23:53
We all have the experience of receiving unwanted entails every day. These junk entails are called spam and those who are sending them Spamers. Most spam is commercial adver- tising. and some even contains viruses that could harm our computer systems and cause se- vere damage.
Ways to Keep the Lid on Spam
Most e-mail users have learned to delete span. When you open. or even reply with a "remove" request. your email address will be validated. It seems as long as you have an email address. spam comes to you.
How did they get your address to begin with? Many people like to post messages to an Internet newsgroup or on a Web site message board. Spammers use some automated soft- ware to get e-mail addresses off Web pages. The software even pulls e-mail addresses from within public chat~‘Unfortunately. it can be hard to protect yourself from spam. But there are some things you can do. For example. be very particular about where and to whom you openly provide your permanent e-mail address. Use your free account in places such as a newsgroup, a chatroom, or a BBS.
Most e-mail programs including Outlook Express and Eudora are easy to use and good for storing messages. but they can easily download entails that contain a virus. So install an anti-virus program to scan through all in-coming entails before opening them Another way to avoid virus attacks is to use webmail directly and delete spam before downloading any messages with an email program.